Worker health and safety policy

Respect the written legislative regarding health and safety in the workplace in order to guarantee the continuity of the Company

Environment policy

Food Safety Policy

Based on its HACCP self-control manual and good corporate practices, the company aims to:

All the above policies must also maintain strict consistency with the context in which the Company operates and must always be appropriate to the context and strategic guidelines of the Company itself.

Therefore, the implementation of the policies must never neglect that the interested parties such as the Cso, the Workers and the Collaborators who are bearers of interests such as the need to provide and have a continuous, health and safe-conscious workplace as well as adequate and continuous remuneration, to Suppliers who expect a long-lasting and satisfactory collaboration relationship for the parties, to Customers who aim to have regular supplies, with the agreed quality levels, with ever greater flexibility and low prices.

To these interested parties, because they are involved in the Company’s business, are added the Competitors who are stakeholders as they are involved in the search for management and customer satisfaction, to the Community according to the type of Company that has re-integration of disadvantaged people into work as part of its mission and therefore is the bearer of a social interest linked to various issues linked to the territory concerning employment.

Finally, the Public and Private Bodies which are in turn the stakeholders, albeit to a lesser extent, due to the importance and impact that the multiple activities of the Company have on the territory and its social and economic fabric.

Rovigo, 22/06/202

The sole administrator
Rossetto Renato